Today: 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Oct 15, 2022

With Halloween just around the corner, we thought it would be fun to explore some of the strange haunted happenings across the state.  What could be better than an autumnal road trip to chase down the ghosts of days gone by?  It’s a perfect way to spend the weekend or enjoy a late-night exploration.

We love exploring as much as the next, but be mindful, please.  Make sure to adhere to any posted signage as some areas may be off limits or be part of private property.  We recommend doing additional research to find out which sites offer tours or are open to the public and when.  We do not condone trespassing!

Your Guide to Haunted Sites in Illinois

The Englewood Post Office and H. H. Holmes

True Crime aficionados will be fascinated to know that this modest post office branch sits on the site once home to serial killer H.H. Holmes and his infamous “Murder Castle”  Postal workers at this location have reported hauntings throughout the building.  The basement area especially is noted to fill visitors and employees with an intense fear of dread, and it is advised any tasks in that room be quick and timely to avoid anxiety.

The Chicago River and the SS Eastland

In 1915 the SS Eastland passenger ship was docked along the Chicago River when it suddenly capsized.  Sadly, 844 people lost their lives in the incident.  Today, visitors to the area and patrons of local restaurants have reported looking out from the windows or down from the Clark Street Bridge and report seeing the ghostly faces or bodies of people in the water, reaching out for help.

The Couch Tomb in Lincoln Park Chicago

Lincoln Park sits on the former grounds of City Cemetery, with the Couch Tomb the only remaining tomb surviving the Great Fire of 1871.  The tomb was sealed for decades, leaving many to speculate what may lie buried there.  In 1998, a team of workers and researchers opened the tomb and discovered around 80 bodies entombed within!  Visitors to the area often claim to see and hear strange apparitions and experience strange occurrences in Lincoln Park, but especially near this tomb.

Resurrection Cemetery in Justice

This is one of the largest cemeteries in North America, sprawling across nearly 540 acres with 152,000 graves and 5,300 crypts in the mausoleum.  Consecrated as a cemetery burial ground in 1904, it officially opened to the public in 1912.  This site is purported to be hte site of Chicago’s infamous “Resurrection Mary” who haunts these grounds, the surrounding highway, and the nearby Willowbrook Ballroom.  You may catch a glimpse of her dancing at the foot of the Resurrection of Christ monument next to the on site chapel.  Keep your eyes peeled for a lithe woman in a flowing white dress and blonde locks!

McPike Mansion of Alton

The McPike Mansion, sometimes referred to as Mount Lookout, is a historic and haunted property on the former 15-acre estate of Henry Guest McPike.  The 16 room mansion features a vaulted wine cellar in an Italianate-Victorian style.  In 1994, the home was purchased at auction by Sharyn and George Luedke, with plans to restore the mansion to its former glory!  Sharyn herself has reported ghostly sightings of servants and residents or guests of the mansion while removing items from the home, making repairs, and restoring the house.  She and George have also caught a whiff of lilac perfume wafting through the hallways of the third floor.  Some people claim the house was built on hallowed grounds, still others report the happenings only began after McPike and later owners’ passings.  Either way, this is a truly special site for otherworldly occurrences!

The Woodstock Opera House in Woodstock

This beautiful historic performing arts venue and opera house is the reported site of local spectral visitor, Elvira.  Elvira’s tale is a sad one, with big dreams of making it big on the stage and landing the lead in an upcoming ballet perfor. Unfortunately, she was passed over for the part which was handed to another girl in the company.  In her grief of shattered dreams,, she leaped from the Opera House’s highest tower, and fell to her death on the streets below.  Visitors have reported sights of a forlorn young woman with long, golden hair wandering the halls and aisles.  Some have even caught a glimpse of her in seat 113, and those who sit near it report the seat lowering on its own and sad sighs in the air.  Additional reports include props falling down with no one nearby, and even things disappearing from the stage and backstage areas.  Book at ticket and see for yourself!

Rialto Square Theatre in Joliet

The Rialto Square Theatre opened its doors in 1926, and a parade of spirited guests have wandered in and out of its halls and auditorium over the years. That’s right, it’s haunted!  We won’t spoil the backstory here.  Why? Because this vaudeville venue and movie theatre turned performing arts center offers Paranormal Tours of the theatre where you can spend two hour learning about the lost souls of the Rialto!  Come see a show and book a tour.  You can bring your friends and your family along for the fun and may even have some unexpected guests join your party.

Other notable places with real spirit include:  Haunted Abingdon Middle School in Abingdon,  The Old Milton School in Alton, Robinson Woods in Chicago, Haunted Tours at the Museum of Science and Industry German U-505 Submarine, The Haunted Glessner House Museum, The Haunted Red Lion Pub in Chicago, Greenwood Cemetery in Decatur, Ridge Cemetery in Williamsburg, Aux Sable Cemetery in Alton